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Thursday, September 12

What Are We Doing Today?

  • Today's Goals!

  • Warm Up

  • Workshop

    • Discovery Log #2​

    • Portfolio Practice #2

  • Homework


Today's Goals

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate the ways in which they have become a more reflective (mindful, self-aware, thoughtful) writer.

  • Demonstrate their ability to analyze different rhetorical situations (in academic, workplace, or civic contexts),


Habits of Mind

  • ​Curiosity is fostered when writers are encouraged to conduct research using methods for investigating questions appropriate to the discipline

  • Engagement is fostered when writers are encouraged to find meanings new to them or build on existing meanings as a result of new connections


Key Terms:

  • Composing Processes: planning, researching, drafting, sharing and responding, revising, editing, publishing, reflecting

  • Rhetorical Situation: audience, purpose, context, exigency

Warm Up 

Let's do something...

Reading Response Peer Review 

Choose the person nearest to your left, and read their Reading Response #1. When reading their work, consider the following questions: 


  1. Where does the student answer the prompt questions? 

  2. Where does the student explain the main idea of the text?

  3. Where does the student offer examples to support their explanation? 

  4. Are these examples appropriate for the audience? 

  5. Where does the student offer textual evidence for their interpretation of the texts main idea? 

  6. Where does the student explain how their textual evidence supports their interpretation? 

  7. What can the student write in order to fulfill the above requirements? 


After you read their work, with these questions in mind, offer the student 2-3 pieces of feedback by replying to their thread in Blackboard. In the Subject line, type "Reading Response #1 PR." Your feedback should be specific and actionable.


Moreover, your feedback should include a "because clause," meaning you should always offer a clear reason for your suggestions/feedback. Feedback should focus on "higher-order" issues such as structure, developing examples, making connections to prior knowledge, meeting the requirements of a standard response as is broken down by the 7 questions above. 


Your feedback should help the author expand and explain their attempts to make meaning from the texts. Avoid commenting on grammar and spelling, and avoid non-actionable comments like "make this clearer," or "This is good/bad," etc. 


Discovery Log #2: 

  • Identify a "personal trouble" that has impacted your personal biography or your family. Describe this.

  • Next, connect that to a "public issue."

    • For example, my father didn't want to admit, or even like, that I knew Spanish. I learned Spanish from my mother and sisters. This connects to a public issue of my father growing up in the United States in a time when Spanish speakers were not accepted. My dad was born in 1931 and he experienced severe racism back in the gap. ​

    • Example: depression and funding for mental health services

    • Example: orphans and the failure of the family institution

  • Research those public issues! 

    • ​Use the databases and tools introduced to you to do some research...

    • For the databases and tools, go to the TAMUCC library website>Research Guides>Sociology>Sociology Research Guide


For the remainder of class, work on anything you need to do for this LC. If you have any questions/comments, please ask now! Do not wait until Sunday to figure out what you need to do. 


Some advice? 

This LC has a lot of work due on Sunday's. Some people have already turned in their Week 3 Discussions!


Please, do NOT wait until Sunday to do all or even some of the work. All this reading and writing is part of your own process.


Practice giving yourself deadlines and working throughout the week to get stuff done! Try using the Pomodoro Method...


a) Looking Ahead â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

  • ​Discovery Log #2*** (due 9.15 by midnight-be sure to add this to your Google running doc for Discovery Logs)

  • Reading Response #3 (due 9.15 by midnight-be sure to add this to your Google running doc for Reading Responses)

  • Portfolio Practice #2 (due 9.15 by midnight-be sure to add this to your Google running doc for Portfolio Practices)

  • start looking for photos!!!


b) Read for 9.19

  • NWWK TC 3.0

  • FIL Authority is Constructed and Contextual


c)Come by and see me or email me!

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