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Monday, January 28

What Are We Doing Today?

  • Warm Up

  • Today's Goal

  • Warm Up

  • Reading Discussion

  • Homework


Today's Goals

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain what they have learned from being a novice in new writing situations, and describe how these experiences, which might include failure, contribute to their willingness to accept new challenges as a writer.

  • Identify how their views of writing have changed as a result of the work they have done in the course.


Habits of Mind

  • Flexibility is fostered when writers are encouraged to approach writing assignments in multiple ways, depending on the task and the writer’s purpose and audience

  • Metacognition is fostered when writers are encouraged to connect choices they have made in texts to audiences and purposes for which texts are intended.


Key Terms

  • Rhetorical Situation: audience, purpose, context, exigency

  • Composing Processes: planning, researching, drafting, sharing and responding, revising, editing, publishing, reflecting

Warm Up

In your own words, discuss the concept: genre or recognizable forms.

Reading Discussion


Naming What We Know Threshold Concept 2.0

"Genre in the Wild" 

  • "What is a Genre?"​

  • "How do people learn about genres in a particular setting?"



Each group needs to discuss the importance of their assigned sections. Pick at least one quote and example to discuss with the class. Add group notes to the Google running document!


Group A: NWWK Discuss first 3 paragraphs​​​​

Group B: NWWK Discuss last 3 paragraphs

Group C: "Genre in the Wild"-What is a Genre?

Group D: "Genre in the Wild"- How do people learn about genres in a particular setting?

Group E: How do the two readings connect? Support each other?


Think of how this connects to our previous reading discussions...


For the remainder of class, work on anything you need to do for this LC. If you have any questions/comments, please ask now! Do not wait until Sunday to figure out what you need to do. 


Some advice? 

This LC has a lot of work due on Sunday's. Some people have already turned in their Week 3 Discussions!


Please, do NOT wait until Sunday to do all or even some of the work. All this reading and writing is part of your own process.


Practice giving yourself deadlines and working throughout the week to get stuff done! Try using the Pomodoro Method...


A) Read (for 2/4)

  • NWWK TC 3.0 (p. 48-50)

  • "Framework for Information Literacy" Authority is Constructed and Contextual (p. 4)


Be sure that you are taking notes on all your readings. You can use what you read, take note of, or discussed in class when writing your response.  


B) Looking Ahead

  • Reading Response #3 (due 2/3 by midnight)-Put this entry on the same running document for RR #2. 

  • Discovery Log #3 (due 2/3 by midnight)-Put this entry on the same running document for DL #2. 

  • Portfolio Practice #1 (due 2/3 by midnight)​


C) Be sure that you are labeling documents in your Online Folder!

You can edit the titles to have it organized and clear.


D) Need help? Come see me or talk to me!

What happens if you don't know my office hours, Writing Center hours, or email?

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