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Friday, March  1

What Are We Doing Today?

  • Today's Goals

  • Midterm Portfolio RO Peer Review

  • RO Workshop

  • Conference Sign Up

  • Homework

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Today's Goals

Learning Outcome(s)

  • Demonstrate their ability to locate, read, evaluate, select and use (integrate) effectively information from appropriate sources with their own ideas

  • Demonstrate control of situation-appropriate conventions of writing


Habit(s) of Mind

  • Metacognition is fostered when writers are encouraged to connect choices they have made in texts to audiences and purposes for which texts are intended

  • Openness is fostered when writers are encouraged to practice different ways of gathering, investigating, developing, and presenting information


Key Term(s)

  • Composing Processes: planning, researching, drafting, sharing and responding, revising, editing, publishing, reflecting

  • Reflection, metacognition, transfer/expansion

RO Peer Review

Upload a link to your RO draft in the Blackboard Discussion forum.


I will assign you a person to peer review! Take a look at their RO draft. When reading their work, consider the following questions: 


  1. Where does the student answer the checklist questions? 

  2. Where does the student explain the Learning Outcome?

  3. Where does the student offer examples to support their explanation? Does the student demonstrate how they have worked towards, struggled with, or accomplished the LO?

  4. Are these examples appropriate for the audience? 

  5. Where does the student offer textual evidence for their interpretation of the texts LO and reading concepts (NWWK and Framework)? 

  6. Where does the student explain how their textual evidence supports their interpretation? Does the writer explain the process of evidence and why or how it connects to the LO?

  7. What can the student write in order to fulfill the above requirements? Does the student use the RO template?


After you read their work, with these questions in mind, offer the student 2-3 pieces of feedback by replying to their thread in Blackboard. In the Subject line, type "RO PR." Your feedback should be specific and actionable.


Moreover, your feedback should include a "because clause," meaning you should always offer a clear reason for your suggestions/feedback. Feedback should focus on "higher-order" issues such as structure, developing examples, making connections to prior knowledge, meeting the requirements of a standard response as is broken down by the 7 questions above.


Your feedback should help the author expand and explain their attempts to make meaning from the texts. Avoid commenting on grammar and spelling, and avoid non-actionable comments like "make this clearer," or "This is good/bad," etc.


A. Midterm Portfolio Due by Monday's class (March 4th)


B. Discovery Log #7 due with the Midterm Portfolio.


C. Be sure you are aware of the research proposal coming up as well 


D. On Wednesday, we will be signing up for Conference times for 3/18! 

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