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Thursday, February 22

What Are We Doing Today?

  • Today's Goals 

  • Composition-Learning Outcomes Discussion 

  • Topic Review Guide 4


  • Reminders

Today's Goal

Demonstrate competence of knowledge related to the learning community discipline(s) in a public forum.

Composition-Learning Outcomes Discussion

Learning Outcomes ​

  • Identify how their views of writing have changed as a result of the work they have done in the course,

  • Demonstrate their ability to analyze different rhetorical situations (in academic, workplace, or civic contexts),

  • Demonstrate their ability to use their analyses of rhetorical situations to identify options and to make appropriate choices that will enable them to use writing to achieve specific purposes,

  • Demonstrate their ability to locate, read, evaluate, select and use (integrate) effectively information from appropriate sources with their own ideas

  • Demonstrate control of situation-appropriate conventions of writing,

  • Explain what they have learned from being a novice in new writing situations, and describe how these experiences, which might include failure, contribute to their willingness to accept new challenges as a writer,

  • Demonstrate their ability to collaborate effectively as members of diverse teams / groups of writers,

  • Evaluate the ways in which they have become a more reflective (mindful, self-aware, thoughtful) writer.


Get into groups of 4. As a group, pick a Learning Outcome as a group and come up with an explanation of the concept. 


Let's discuss as a class. As we are discussing each learning outcome, I will ask another group for  specific piece of evidence from Composition to support you have either struggled with, worked towards, or accomplished that outcome. 


Topic Review Guide 4

I will hand back your group's Topic Review Guide prep from Tuesday's class.


As a group, finish your response. Try adding more content to your answer. As a group, ask yourself would you give your response and A, B, C, D, or F...


Pass your handout(s) to another group. Once you have your new handout(s), add, expand, clarify, check the new responses. 


For Key Terms, go to the book. Find the paragraph the Key Term is in. Look for 2-3 items in that paragraph and write in your response. 

A) ​Text Quiz 3a due by Political Science today.


B) We will prep Topic Review Guide 5 on Tuesday.

C) Keep working on stuff for Comp...


D) Learning Community Points #2 are due by Sunday midnight!

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